The TLC’s Maintaining Instructional Continuity page has newly-added resources for supporting instructor wellbeing during this unprecedented and uncertain time.

Department Administrator FAQs

An effective SET process requires active engagement from department administration and the support of an Evaluation Coordinator in each department. More information about department roles and responsibilities is included below.


  • What role do departments play in the SET process?

    Departments partnering with the Teaching and Learning Center to collect SETs have a designated Evaluation Coordinator. 

    Evaluation Coordinators play several important roles, including: 

    • inform instructors and students about the SET process 
    • check course registration data for accuracy 
    • distribute departmental SET reports as appropriate 
    • serve as a point of contact for the TLC 

    Reports provided to Evaluation Coordinators are shared securely through UCLA Box. The TLC is not responsible for the misuse or unauthorized distribution of SET data and reporting within a department. Evaluation Coordinators should only use and share this information as approved by their Department Chair. 

    If you need to contact the Evaluation Coordinator please visit our Evaluation Coordinator Directory.

  • Which courses are excluded from the SET surveys?

    Courses at the 500 level or higher are excluded from review. Departments may choose to have additional courses removed from SET surveys. Examples may include tutorials (196-199) and private instruction courses. 

    To view a list of all excluded courses, visit the UCLA SET Exceptions List.

  • How do I mark courses that should be excluded from SET surveys?

    Review the list of all excluded courses on the UCLA SET Exceptions List

    Please contact if your department has any changes or additional courses that should be excluded from SET surveys.

  • What are the key dates for departmental Evaluation Coordinators?

    Week 7

    We will no longer be providing Snapshot reports. Any changes in course data, including instructor name, UID, e-mail address, function code, section, and enrollment MUST be made with the Registrar’s Office by the end of Week 7. 

    Weeks 9 & 10

    The online surveys for all regularly scheduled courses will be administered in weeks 9 and 10. No changes to the Registrar’s data will be reflected in the online surveys once they have opened.

    After Finals Week

    Instructors will be able to view their own class section report after all grades have been turned in for that section. Departments will be able to access summary reports after the final grade submission deadline has passed.

    See the SET Survey Schedule for specific dates.

  • How do I access departmental SET reports?

    Department Chairs and authorized staff have access to individual instructor reports and departmental aggregate summary reports. Deans have access to division/school aggregate summary reports. Please remember that these surveys are classified as personnel records and are used in personnel actions. Access should be granted thoughtfully and in alignment with university policies.

    For courses using MyUCLA: 

    Reports can be found in your departmental Box folder, which includes subfolders for each quarter’s reports for previous years. The quarterly reports folder contains: 

    • Data Files 
    • Department Summary Reports 
    • Instructor Summary Reports 
    • Rundown Reports

    For courses using Blue:

      1. Log in to Blue with your UCLA Logon ID
      2. View the “Reports” section on your homepage. This will allow you to view and download your reports in both PDF and HTML format.

    Alternatively, you can access your reports through your email.

    1. You should receive an email directing you how to view your reports.
    2. Click on “Access your reports here.” This hyperlink will take you directly to Blue, where you will be able to view and download your reports in both PDF and HTML format.

  • How can I get help with the SET process?

    If you have any questions, please contact

Learn More

For questions, please contact the Student Experiences of Teaching team at

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