Current as of 7/11/2024 – Please remember to check back periodically for updates!
The Exception List is how we track all courses excluded from evaluation by department/program request.
The list includes two types of exceptions:
- Permanent exceptions – Classes to exclude on a regular basis – usually tutorials, practicums, Honors Contracts, and similar classes.
- Temporary exceptions – Multiple-Listed courses. Now that all departments we serve are using online evaluations, all of these courses should be reviewed as it is likely most of them should be removed from this list.
Please note:
- For any number listed, ALL sections of that course number will be removed from online evaluations.
- Recently requested changes may not be reflected at the time of creating this list.
- 500 Level courses are automatically excluded and not necessary to be on this list.
- If you do not see your department/program’s course on this list, then it will be evaluated online.
Please e-mail us at to inform us of any changes that can go into effect for next quarter!
Subject |
Course # |
Reason on List |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 1L | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 2L | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 3L | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 186 | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 197 | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 199 | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 270 | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 271 | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 274 | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | M275A | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | M275B | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | M275C | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 276 | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 296A | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 296B | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 296C | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 296D | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 296E | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 296F | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 296G | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 296H | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 296I | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 296J | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 296K | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 296L | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 296M | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 296N | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 296P | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 375 | Permanent |
A&O SCI | A&O Sci | 495 | Permanent |
AFRC ST | Afrc St | 375 | Permanent |
AM IND | Am Ind | 375 | Permanent |
ARCH&UD | Arch&UD | 199 | Permanent |
ARCH&UD | Arch&UD | 375 | Permanent |
ARCH&UD | Arch&UD | 403A | Permanent |
ARCH&UD | Arch&UD | 403B | Permanent |
ARCH&UD | Arch&UD | 406 | Permanent |
ART | Art | 70 | Permanent |
ART | Art | 195 | Permanent |
ART | Art | 195A | Permanent |
ART | Art | 195B | Permanent |
ART | Art | 197 | Permanent |
ART | Art | 198 | Permanent |
ART | Art | 375 | Permanent |
ART | Art | 401 | Permanent |
ART HIS | Art His | 89HC | Permanent |
ART HIS | Art His | 99 | Permanent |
ART HIS | Art His | 188SA | Permanent |
ART HIS | Art His | 188SB | Permanent |
ART HIS | Art His | 189HC | Permanent |
ART HIS | Art His | 195 | Permanent |
ART HIS | Art His | 196 | Permanent |
ART HIS | Art His | 197A | Permanent |
ART HIS | Art His | 198A | Permanent |
ART HIS | Art His | 198B | Permanent |
ART HIS | Art His | 199 | Permanent |
ART HIS | Art His | 207 | Permanent |
ART HIS | Art His | 375 | Permanent |
ART HIS | Art His | 495 | Permanent |
ART&ARC | Art&Arc | 197 | Permanent |
ASIA AM | Asia Am | 89HC | Permanent |
ASIA AM | Asia Am | 97 | Permanent |
ASIA AM | Asia Am | 99 | Permanent |
ASIA AM | Asia Am | 189HC | Permanent |
ASIA AM | Asia Am | 195 | Permanent |
ASIA AM | Asia Am | 196 | Permanent |
ASIA AM | Asia Am | 197 | Permanent |
ASIA AM | Asia Am | 375 | Permanent |
ASIA LC | Asian | 99 | Permanent |
ASIA LC | Asian | 189HC | Permanent |
ASIA LC | Asian | 198 | Permanent |
ASIA LC | Asian | 198A | Permanent |
ASIA LC | Asian | 198B | Permanent |
ASIA LC | Asian | 198C | Permanent |
ASIA LC | Asian | 199 | Permanent |
ASIA LC | Asian | 299 | Permanent |
ASIA LC | Asian | 375 | Permanent |
ASIA LC | Chin | 89HC | Permanent |
ASIA LC | Japan | 89HC | Permanent |
ASIA LC | Korean | 89HC | Permanent |
ASIA LC | SEAsian | 99 | Permanent |
ASIA LC | Vietmse | 89HC | Permanent |
BIOENGR | Bioengr | 99 | Permanent |
BIOENGR | Bioengr | 199 | Permanent |
BIOENGR | Bioengr | 295A | Permanent |
BIOENGR | Bioengr | 295B | Permanent |
BIOENGR | Bioengr | 295C | Permanent |
BIOENGR | Bioengr | 295D | Permanent |
BIOENGR | Bioengr | 295E | Permanent |
BIOENGR | Bioengr | 295F | Permanent |
BIOENGR | Bioengr | 295G | Permanent |
BIOENGR | Bioengr | 295H | Permanent |
BIOENGR | Bioengr | 295J | Permanent |
BIOENGR | Bioengr | 299 | Permanent |
BIOENGR | Bioengr | 375 | Permanent |
BIOL CH | Biol Ch | 99 | Permanent |
BIOL CH | Biol Ch | 199 | Permanent |
BIOL CH | Biol Ch | M229S | Permanent |
BIOL CH | Biol Ch | 251A | Permanent |
BIOL CH | Biol Ch | 251B | Permanent |
BIOL CH | Biol Ch | 251C | Permanent |
BIOL CH | Biol Ch | 266A | Permanent |
BIOL CH | Biol Ch | 266B | Permanent |
BIOL CH | Biol Ch | 266C | Permanent |
BIOL CH | Biol Ch | 296 | Permanent |
BMD RES | Bmd Res | 199 | Permanent |
C&EE | C&EE | 194 | Permanent |
C&EE | C&EE | 199 | Permanent |
C&EE | C&EE | 200 | Permanent |
C&EE | C&EE | 249 | Permanent |
C&EE | C&EE | 259A | Permanent |
C&EE | C&EE | 296 | Permanent |
C&EE | C&EE | 297 | Permanent |
C&EE | C&EE | 375 | Permanent |
C&S BIO | C&S Bio | 199 | Permanent |
CCAS | CCAS | M159A | Multiple-Listed |
CCAS | CCAS | M159B | Multiple-Listed |
CCAS | CCAS | 198C | Permanent |
CCAS | CCAS | 199 | Permanent |
CCAS | CCAS | 375 | Permanent |
CESC | CESC | 198 | Permanent |
CESC | CESC | 199 | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 7 | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 8 | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 98XA | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 98XB | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 99 | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 192A | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 193A | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 194 | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 196A | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 196B | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 199 | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 206 | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 209 | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 218 | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219E | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219F | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219G | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219H | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219I | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219J | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219K | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219L | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219M | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219N | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219O | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219P | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219Q | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219R | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219S | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219T | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219U | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219V | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219W | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219X | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 219Y | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 228 | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 229 | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 235E | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 235F | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 235G | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 235H | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 235I | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 235J | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 235K | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 235L | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 235M | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 235N | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 235O | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 235P | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 235Q | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 241F | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 247 | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 248 | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256A | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256B | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256C | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256D | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256E | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256F | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256G | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256H | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256I | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256J | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256K | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256L | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256M | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256N | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256O | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256P | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256Q | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256R | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256S | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256T | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256U | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256V | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256W | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 256X | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 272A | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 272B | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 272C | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 272D | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 272I | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 272J | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 272K | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 278 | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 283 | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 284 | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 375 | Permanent |
CHEM | Chem | 495 | Permanent |
CHM&BE | Ch Engr | 99 | Permanent |
CHM&BE | Ch Engr | 194 | Permanent |
CHM&BE | Ch Engr | 199 | Permanent |
CHM&BE | Ch Engr | 298 | Permanent |
CHM&BE | Ch Engr | 298 A-Z | Permanent |
CHM&BE | Ch Engr | 299 | Permanent |
CHM&BE | Ch Engr | 375 | Permanent |
CLASSIC | Classic | 89HC | Permanent |
CLASSIC | Classic | 99 | Permanent |
CLASSIC | Classic | 189HC | Permanent |
CLASSIC | Classic | 197 | Permanent |
CLASSIC | Classic | 198A | Permanent |
CLASSIC | Classic | 198B | Permanent |
CLASSIC | Classic | 199 | Permanent |
CLASSIC | Classic | 375 | Permanent |
CLASSIC | Greek | 197 | Permanent |
CLASSIC | Greek | 199 | Permanent |
CLASSIC | Greek | 189HC | Permanent |
CLASSIC | Greek | 89HC | Permanent |
CLASSIC | Latin | 197 | Permanent |
CLASSIC | Latin | 199 | Permanent |
CLASSIC | Latin | 189HC | Permanent |
CLASSIC | Latin | 89HC | Permanent |
CLT HTG | Clt Htg | 500-595 | Permanent |
CLT HTG | Clt Htg | 599 | Permanent |
COM HLT | Com Hlt | 99 | Permanent |
COM HLT | Com Hlt | 195 | Permanent |
COM HLT | Com Hlt | 197 | Permanent |
COM HLT | Com Hlt | 199 | Permanent |
COM HLT | Com Hlt | 375 | Permanent |
COM HLT | Com Hlt | 482 | Permanent |
COM LIT | Com Lit | 197 | Permanent |
COM LIT | Com Lit | 198 | Permanent |
COM LIT | Com Lit | 199 | Permanent |
COM LIT | Com Lit | 375 | Permanent |
COM MED | Biomath | 99 | Permanent |
COM MED | Biomath | 170A | Permanent |
COM MED | Biomath | 189HC | Permanent |
COM MED | Biomath | 190HA | Permanent |
COM MED | Biomath | 190HB | Permanent |
COM MED | Biomath | 197 | Permanent |
COM MED | Biomath | 199 | Permanent |
COM MED | Biomath | 259 | Permanent |
COM MED | Biomath | M260A | Permanent |
COM MED | Biomath | M260B | Permanent |
COM MED | Biomath | M260C | Permanent |
COM MED | Biomath | M261 | Permanent |
COM MED | Biomath | M262 | Permanent |
COM MED | Biomath | 264 | Permanent |
COM MED | Biomath | 265A | Permanent |
COM MED | Biomath | 266A | Permanent |
COM MED | Biomath | 266B | Permanent |
COM MED | Biomath | 285 | Permanent |
COM SCI | Bioinfr | 99 | Permanent |
COM SCI | Bioinfr | 188SA | Permanent |
COM SCI | Bioinfr | 188SB | Permanent |
COM SCI | Bioinfr | 188SC | Permanent |
COM SCI | Bioinfr | 199 | Permanent |
COM SCI | Com Sci | 188SA | Permanent |
COM SCI | Com Sci | 188SB | Permanent |
COM SCI | Com Sci | 188SC | Permanent |
COM SCI | Com Sci | 192 | Permanent |
COM SCI | Com Sci | 192A | Permanent |
COM SCI | Com Sci | M192A | Permanent |
COM SCI | Com Sci | 194 | Permanent |
COM SCI | Com Sci | 199 | Permanent |
COM SCI | Com Sci | 201 | Permanent |
COM SCI | Com Sci | M229S | Permanent |
COM SCI | Com Sci | 298 | Permanent |
COM SCI | Com Sci | 375 | Permanent |
DESMA | DESMA | 5 | Permanent |
DESMA | DESMA | 195A | Permanent |
DESMA | DESMA | 195B | Permanent |
DESMA | DESMA | 199 | Permanent |
DESMA | DESMA | 200 | Permanent |
DESMA | DESMA | 375 | Permanent |
DGT HUM | Dgt Hum | 190-193 | Permanent |
DGT HUM | Dgt Hum | 195-199 | Permanent |
DGT HUM | Dgt Hum | 299 | Permanent |
DIS STD | Dis Std | M115 | Multiple-Listed |
DIS STD | Dis Std | 198 | Permanent |
DIS STD | Dis Std | 199 | Permanent |
EC ENGR | EC Engr | 99 | Permanent |
EC ENGR | EC Engr | 199 | Permanent |
EC ENGR | EC Engr | 297 | Permanent |
EC ENGR | EC Engr | 298 | Permanent |
EC ENGR | EC Engr | 299 | Permanent |
EC ENGR | EC Engr | 375 | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 99 | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | M134 | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | M135 | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 189HC | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 195A | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 198A | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 198B | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 199A | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | M204A | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 204C | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 206 | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 218A | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 218B | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 218C | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 219A | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 219B | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 219C | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 228A | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 228B | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 228C | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 229A | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 229B | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 229C | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 238A | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 238B | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 238C | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 239A | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 239B | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 239C | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | C246A | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | C246B | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | C246C | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 248A | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 248B | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 248C | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | C266A | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | C266B | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 268A | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 268B | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 268C | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 269A | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 269B | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 269C | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 278A | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 278B | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 278C | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 279A | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 279B | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 279C | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | C285A | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | C285B | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | C285C | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 288A | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 288B | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 288C | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 298C | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 375 | Permanent |
ECON | Econ | 495 | Permanent |
EDUC | Educ | 99 | Permanent |
EDUC | Educ | CM178L | Permanent |
EDUC | Educ | 196R | Permanent |
EDUC | Educ | 199 | Permanent |
EDUC | Educ | 230AL | Permanent |
EDUC | Educ | 230BL | Permanent |
EDUC | Educ | 230CL | Permanent |
EDUC | Educ | CM278L | Permanent |
EDUC | Educ | 288 | Permanent |
EDUC | Educ | 299A | Permanent |
EDUC | Educ | 299B | Permanent |
EDUC | Educ | 299C | Permanent |
EDUC | Educ | 375 | Permanent |
EE BIOL | EE Biol | 99 | Permanent |
EE BIOL | EE Biol | 193 | Permanent |
EE BIOL | EE Biol | 194B | Permanent |
EE BIOL | EE Biol | 196 | Permanent |
EE BIOL | EE Biol | 198A | Permanent |
EE BIOL | EE Biol | 198B | Permanent |
EE BIOL | EE Biol | 198C | Permanent |
EE BIOL | EE Biol | 198D | Permanent |
EE BIOL | EE Biol | 199 | Permanent |
EE BIOL | EE Biol | 296 | Permanent |
EE BIOL | EE Biol | 375 | Permanent |
ELTS | Frnch | 89 | Permanent |
ELTS | Frnch | 89HC | Permanent |
ELTS | Frnch | 99 | Permanent |
ELTS | Frnch | 189 | Permanent |
ELTS | Frnch | 189HC | Permanent |
ELTS | Frnch | 190 | Permanent |
ELTS | Frnch | 192-199 | Permanent |
ELTS | Frnch | 375 | Permanent |
ELTS | German | 89 | Permanent |
ELTS | German | 89HC | Permanent |
ELTS | German | 188SB | Permanent |
ELTS | German | 189 | Permanent |
ELTS | German | 189HC | Permanent |
ELTS | German | 190-191 | Permanent |
ELTS | German | 191B | Permanent |
ELTS | German | 191D-199 | Permanent |
ELTS | German | 375 | Permanent |
ELTS | Italian | 89 | Permanent |
ELTS | Italian | 89HC | Permanent |
ELTS | Italian | 99 | Permanent |
ELTS | Italian | 189 | Permanent |
ELTS | Italian | 189HC | Permanent |
ELTS | Italian | 190 | Permanent |
ELTS | Italian | 192-199 | Permanent |
ELTS | Italian | 375 | Permanent |
ELTS | Scand | 89 | Permanent |
ELTS | Scand | 89HC | Permanent |
ELTS | Scand | 99 | Permanent |
ELTS | Scand | 187FL | Permanent |
ELTS | Scand | 189 | Permanent |
ELTS | Scand | 189HC | Permanent |
ELTS | Scand | 190-199 | Permanent |
ELTS | Scand | 375 | Permanent |
ELTS | Yiddish | 189HC | Permanent |
ENGL | Engl | 99 | Permanent |
ENGL | Engl | 188SC | Permanent |
ENGL | Engl | 189HC | Permanent |
ENGL | Engl | 197 | Permanent |
ENGL | Engl | 199 | Permanent |
ENGR | Engr | 199 | Permanent |
ENGR | Engr | 299 | Permanent |
ENGR | Engr | 375 | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 89HC | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 98 | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 99 | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 194 | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 198 | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 199 | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 235A | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 235B | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 235C | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 245A | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 245B | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 245C | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 286A | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 286B | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 286C | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 287A | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 287B | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 287C | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | M288A | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 295A | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 295B | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 295C | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296A | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296AA | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296B | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296C | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296D | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296E | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296F | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296G | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296H | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296I | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296J | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296K | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296L | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296M | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296N | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296O | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296P | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296Q | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296R | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296S | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296T | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296U | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296V | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296W | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296X | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296Y | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | C296Z | Permanent |
EPS SCI | EPS Sci | 375 | Permanent |
FOOD ST | Food St | 199 | Permanent |
FTV&DM | Film TV | 99 | Permanent |
FTV&DM | Film TV | 195 | Permanent |
FTV&DM | Film TV | 199 | Permanent |
FTV&DM | Film TV | 375 | Permanent |
FTV&DM | Film TV | 486 | Permanent |
FTV&DM | Film TV | 498 | Permanent |
GEOG | Geog | 85HC | Permanent |
GEOG | Geog | 99 | Permanent |
GEOG | Geog | 188SA | Permanent |
GEOG | Geog | 188SB | Permanent |
GEOG | Geog | 189HC | Permanent |
GEOG | Geog | C194A | Permanent |
GEOG | Geog | 195 | Permanent |
GEOG | Geog | 198A | Permanent |
GEOG | Geog | 198B | Permanent |
GEOG | Geog | 199 | Permanent |
GEOG | Geog | 299A | Permanent |
GEOG | Geog | 299B | Permanent |
GEOG | Geog | C299B | Permanent |
GEOG | Geog | 375 | Permanent |
GLBL ST | Glbl St | 10 | Permanent |
GLBL ST | Glbl St | 89HC | Permanent |
GLBL ST | Glbl St | 99 | Permanent |
GLBL ST | Glbl St | 189HC | Permanent |
GLBL ST | Glbl St | 199 | Permanent |
GLBL ST | Glbl St | 199A | Permanent |
GLBL ST | Glbl St | 199B | Permanent |
GLBL ST | Glbl St | 375 | Permanent |
GRNTLGY | Grntlgy | 199 | Permanent |
HNRS | Hnrs | 99 | Permanent |
HNRS | Hnrs | 101B | Permanent |
HNRS | Hnrs | 101D | Permanent |
HNRS | Hnrs | 101G | Permanent |
HNRS | Hnrs | 101I | Permanent |
HNRS | Hnrs | 193A | Permanent |
HNRS | Hnrs | 193B | Permanent |
HNRS | Hnrs | 193C | Permanent |
HNRS | Hnrs | 199 | Permanent |
HUM GEN | Hum Gen | 99 | Permanent |
HUM GEN | Hum Gen | 199 | Permanent |
HUM GEN | Hum Gen | M207A | Multiple-Listed |
HUM GEN | Hum Gen | M229S | Permanent |
I A STD | I A Std | 89HC | Permanent |
I A STD | I A Std | 99 | Permanent |
I A STD | I A Std | 189HC | Permanent |
I A STD | I A Std | 193 | Permanent |
I A STD | I A Std | 198A | Permanent |
I A STD | I A Std | 198B | Permanent |
I A STD | I A Std | 198C | Permanent |
I A STD | I A Std | 199 | Permanent |
I A STD | I A Std | 375 | Permanent |
I E STD | I E Std | 200 | Permanent |
I E STD | I E Std | 281A | Permanent |
I E STD | I E Std | 375 | Permanent |
INF STD | Inf Std | 139 | Permanent |
INF STD | Inf Std | 239 | Permanent |
INF STD | Inf Std | 375 | Permanent |
INT B&P | Physci | 99 | Permanent |
INT B&P | Physci | 188SA | Permanent |
INT B&P | Physci | 189HC | Permanent |
INT B&P | Physci | 192 | Permanent |
INT B&P | Physci | 193 | Permanent |
INT B&P | Physci | 196 | Permanent |
INT B&P | Physci | 198A | Permanent |
INT B&P | Physci | 198B | Permanent |
INT B&P | Physci | 199 | Permanent |
INT B&P | Physci | 296 | Permanent |
INT B&P | Physci | 375 | Permanent |
INTL DV | Intl Dv | 89HC | Permanent |
INTL DV | Intl Dv | 99 | Permanent |
INTL DV | Intl Dv | 189HC | Permanent |
INTL DV | Intl Dv | 195 | Permanent |
INTL DV | Intl Dv | 198A | Permanent |
INTL DV | Intl Dv | 198B | Permanent |
INTL DV | Intl Dv | 198C | Permanent |
INTL DV | Intl Dv | 199 | Permanent |
INTL DV | Intl Dv | 375 | Permanent |
ISLM ST | Islm St | 99 | Permanent |
LIFESCI | LifeSci | 98XA | Permanent |
LIFESCI | LifeSci | 98XB | Permanent |
LIFESCI | LifeSci | 192F | Permanent |
LIFESCI | LifeSci | 375 | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 99 | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 260A | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 260B | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 260C | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 261A | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 261B | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 261C | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 262A | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 262B | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 262C | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 263 | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 264A | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 264B | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 264C | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 265A | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 265B | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 265C | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 275 | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 276 | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 375 | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 403 | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 422 | Permanent |
LING | Ling | 444 | Permanent |
MAT SCI | Mat Sci | 199 | Permanent |
MAT SCI | Mat Sci | 282 | Permanent |
MAT SCI | Mat Sci | 296 | Permanent |
MAT SCI | Mat Sci | 375 | Permanent |
MATH | Comptng | 375 | Permanent |
MATH | Math | 71SL | Permanent |
MATH | Math | 72SL | Permanent |
MATH | Math | 89HC | Permanent |
MATH | Math | 98XA | Permanent |
MATH | Math | 98XB | Permanent |
MATH | Math | 99 | Permanent |
MATH | Math | 188SA | Permanent |
MATH | Math | 188SB | Permanent |
MATH | Math | 189HC | Permanent |
MATH | Math | 195 | Permanent |
MATH | Math | 197 | Permanent |
MATH | Math | 199 | Permanent |
MATH | Math | M268A | Multiple-Listed |
MATH | Math | 290-375 | Permanent |
MC&IP | MC&IP | M252A | Permanent |
MC&IP | MC&IP | M252B | Permanent |
MC&IP | MC&IP | 290A | Permanent |
MC&IP | MC&IP | 290C | Permanent |
MC&IP | MC&IP | 296 | Permanent |
MC&IP | MC&IP | 375 | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 89 | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 89HC | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 99 | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 189 | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 189HC | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 192A | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 192B | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 193 | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 194A | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 194B | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 196A | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 196B | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 198A | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 198B | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 198C | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 198D | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 199 | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 199A | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 199B | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 199C | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 199D | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 296 | Permanent |
MCD BIO | MCD Bio | 375 | Permanent |
MECH&AE | Mech&AE | 99 | Permanent |
MECH&AE | Mech&AE | 194 | Permanent |
MECH&AE | Mech&AE | 199 | Permanent |
MECH&AE | Mech&AE | 260 | Permanent |
MECH&AE | Mech&AE | 375 | Permanent |
MGMT | Mgmt | 89HC | Permanent |
MGMT | Mgmt | 99 | Permanent |
MGMT | Mgmt | 188SA | Permanent |
MGMT | Mgmt | 188SB | Permanent |
MGMT | Mgmt | 188SC | Permanent |
MGMT | Mgmt | 189HC | Permanent |
MGMT | Mgmt | 195 | Permanent |
MGMT | Mgmt | 199 | Permanent |
MIA STD | MIA Std | 298 | Permanent |
MIA STD | MIA Std | 498 | Permanent |
MIMG | MIMG | 99 | Permanent |
MIMG | MIMG | 189HC | Permanent |
MIMG | MIMG | 194A | Permanent |
MIMG | MIMG | 196A | Permanent |
MIMG | MIMG | 196B | Permanent |
MIMG | MIMG | 198A | Permanent |
MIMG | MIMG | 198B | Permanent |
MIMG | MIMG | 198C | Permanent |
MIMG | MIMG | 199 | Permanent |
MIMG | MIMG | 296 | Permanent |
MIMG | MIMG | 375 | Permanent |
MUSCLG | Msc Hst | 99 | Permanent |
MUSCLG | Msc Hst | 195 | Permanent |
MUSCLG | Msc Hst | 197 | Permanent |
MUSCLG | Musclg | 375 | Permanent |
NAV SCI | Nav Sci | Z | Permanent |
NAV SCI | Nav Sci | 197 | Permanent |
NEURBIO | Neurbio | 99 | Permanent |
NEURBIO | Neurbio | 199 | Permanent |
NEUROSC | Neurosc | 99 | Permanent |
NEUROSC | Neurosc | 189HC | Permanent |
NEUROSC | Neurosc | 198A | Permanent |
NEUROSC | Neurosc | 198B | Permanent |
NEUROSC | Neurosc | 199A | Permanent |
NEUROSC | Neurosc | 199B | Permanent |
NEUROSC | Neurosc | 199C | Permanent |
NURSING | Nursing | 99 | Permanent |
NURSING | Nursing | 199 | Permanent |
NURSING | Nursing | 229A | Permanent |
NURSING | Nursing | 229B | Permanent |
NURSING | Nursing | 229C | Permanent |
NURSING | Nursing | 375 | Permanent |
PHILOS | Philosophy | 375S | Permanent |
PHY&AST | Astr | 277B | Permanent |
PHY&AST | Astr | 296 | Permanent |
PHY&AST | Astr | 375 | Permanent |
PHY&AST | Physics | 98XA | Permanent |
PHY&AST | Physics | 98XB | Permanent |
PHY&AST | Physics | 291 | Permanent |
PHY&AST | Physics | 292 | Permanent |
PHY&AST | Physics | 293 | Permanent |
PHY&AST | Physics | 296 | Permanent |
PHY&AST | Physics | 375 | Permanent |
POL SCI | Pol Sci | 89 | Permanent |
POL SCI | Pol Sci | 99 | Permanent |
POL SCI | Pol Sci | 188SA | Permanent |
POL SCI | Pol Sci | 189 | Permanent |
POL SCI | Pol Sci | 189HC | Permanent |
POL SCI | Pol Sci | 195 | Permanent |
POL SCI | Pol Sci | 197 | Permanent |
POL SCI | Pol Sci | 198 | Permanent |
POL SCI | Pol Sci | 199 | Permanent |
POL SCI | Pol Sci | 375 | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 89HC | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 99 | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 134D | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 134E | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 185 | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 188SA | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 188SB | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 189HC | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 192 | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | C194D | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 194B | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 194C | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 195A | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 195B | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 196A | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 196B | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 198 | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 199A | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 199B | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 201 | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 212 | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 219 | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 226A | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 226B | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 226C | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | M237A | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | M237B | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | M237C | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 241 | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 249 | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 251A | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 251B | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 251C | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 260A | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 260B | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 260C | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 289A | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 289B | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 289C | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 296A | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | C296B | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 375 | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 401 | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 425 | Permanent |
PSYCH | Psych | 451 | Permanent |
PSYCTRY | Psyctry | 99 | Permanent |
PSYCTRY | Psyctry | 199 | Permanent |
PUB AFF | Pub Aff | 199 | Permanent |
PUB HLT | Pub Hlt | 401 | Permanent |
PUB PLC | Pub Plc | 99 | Permanent |
PUB PLC | Pub Plc | 188SA | Permanent |
PUB PLC | Pub Plc | 189HC | Permanent |
PUB PLC | Pub Plc | 298C | Permanent |
PUB PLC | Pub Plc | 375 | Permanent |
RELIGN | Relign | 199 | Permanent |
SEEELC | Slavc | 375 | Permanent |
SOC GEN | Soc Gen | 188SA | Permanent |
SOC GEN | Soc Gen | 188SB | Permanent |
SOC GEN | Soc Gen | 189HC | Permanent |
SOC GEN | Soc Gen | 195 | Permanent |
SOC GEN | Soc Gen | 375 | Permanent |
SOC SC | Soc Sc | 400A | Permanent |
SOC SC | Soc Sc | 400B | Permanent |
SOC SC | Soc Sc | 401 | Permanent |
SOC SC | Soc Sc | 402 | Permanent |
SOC SC | Soc Sc | 402A | Permanent |
SOC SC | Soc Sc | 410 | Permanent |
SOC SC | Soc Sc | 420 | Permanent |
SOC SC | Soc Sc | 430 | Permanent |
SOC WLF | Soc Wlf | 99 | Permanent |
SOC WLF | Soc Wlf | 195 | Permanent |
SOC WLF | Soc Wlf | 199 | Permanent |
SOC WLF | Soc Wlf | 270 | Permanent |
SOC WLF | Soc Wlf | 281A | Permanent |
SOC WLF | Soc Wlf | 281B | Permanent |
SOC WLF | Soc Wlf | 281C | Permanent |
SOC WLF | Soc Wlf | 286C | Permanent |
SOC WLF | Soc Wlf | 375 | Permanent |
SOC WLF | Soc Wlf | 401A | Permanent |
SOC WLF | Soc Wlf | 401B | Permanent |
SOC WLF | Soc Wlf | 401C | Permanent |
SOC WLF | Soc Wlf | 402A | Permanent |
SOC WLF | Soc Wlf | 402B | Permanent |
SOC WLF | Soc Wlf | 402C | Permanent |
SOC WLF | Soc Wlf | 490 | Permanent |
SOCIOL | Sociol | 199 | Permanent |
SOCIOL | Sociol | 201A | Permanent |
SOCIOL | Sociol | 201B | Permanent |
SOCIOL | Sociol | 201C | Permanent |
SOCIOL | Sociol | 211A | Permanent |
SOCIOL | Sociol | 239A | Permanent |
SOCIOL | Sociol | 295 | Permanent |
SOCIOL | Sociol | 375 | Permanent |
STAT DS | Stats | 199 | Permanent |
STAT DS | Stats | 296 | Permanent |
STAT DS | Stats | 375 | Permanent |
STAT DS | Stats | 496 | Permanent |
STAT DS | Stats | 497 | Permanent |
STAT DS | Stats | 498 | Permanent |
THEATER | Theater | 50 | Permanent |
THEATER | Theater | 150 | Permanent |
THEATER | Theater | 195 | Permanent |
THEATER | Theater | 375 | Permanent |
THEATER | Theater | 498 | Permanent |
URBN PL | Urbn Pl | 99 | Permanent |
URBN PL | Urbn Pl | 188SB | Permanent |
URBN PL | Urbn Pl | 189HC | Permanent |
URBN PL | Urbn Pl | 195 | Permanent |
URBN PL | Urbn Pl | 199 | Permanent |
URBN PL | Urbn Pl | 297 | Permanent |
URBN PL | Urbn Pl | 375 | Permanent |
URBN PL | Urbn Pl | 496 | Permanent |
WAC/DAN | Dance | 441 | Permanent |
WAC/DAN | Dance | 490 | Permanent |
WAC/DAN | Wl Arts | 78 | Permanent |
WAC/DAN | Wl Arts | 99 | Permanent |
WAC/DAN | Wl Arts | 170 | Permanent |
WAC/DAN | Wl Arts | 178 | Permanent |
WAC/DAN | Wl Arts | 195 | Permanent |
WAC/DAN | Wl Arts | 199 | Permanent |
WAC/DAN | Wl Arts | 375 | Permanent |
WAC/DAN | Wl Arts | 478 | Permanent |