UCLA has extended remote instruction through Friday, January 17.
To help support remote learning, visit the TLC’s Maintaining Instructional Continuity page for resources, including Zoom guidance and best practices. Multimedia recording spaces are also available for instructors who need access for courses.

Student Experiences of Teaching

Student Experiences of Teaching (SET) — gives students a voice to provide feedback about their educational experience. Traditionally referred to as course evaluations — SETs are tools designed to improve the quality of teaching and establish institutional accountability for instruction.


Formerly known as the Evaluation of Instruction Program, the Student Experience of Teaching (SET) program is designed to prioritize the valuable insights students provide about their learning environment. This rebranding reflects a thoughtful shift, acknowledging that while students are not experts in course content or pedagogy, they play a vital role as agents in their own educational experiences. By focusing on meaningful feedback, the SET program emphasizes the importance of understanding and enhancing the teaching and learning process from the student’s perspective.

Information for Instructors

The content in this section includes answers to common questions about SETs and other helpful resources for course instructors and teaching assistants.

Information for Students

This section includes information for students about SETs and how to provide constructive feedback to instructors.

Information for Departments

Information to support departments’ implementation of SETs can be found in the links below.

SET Survey Schedule

View the SET survey schedule for the current academic year.

Alternative Form

The Alternative Form is intended to improve SETs by providing a more reflective assessment of student achievement and inclusive teaching practices.


For questions, contact the Student Experiences of Teaching team at set@teaching.ucla.edu

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