The TLC’s Maintaining Instructional Continuity page has newly-added resources for supporting instructor wellbeing during this unprecedented and uncertain time.

Instructor FAQs

The following information is intended to address common instructor questions regarding the Student Experiences of Teaching (SET) survey process.


  • How do I view response rates during the survey period?

    For courses using MyUCLA:

    1. Log in to with your UCLA Logon ID
    2. Click on the Classes page
    3. You will see courses with online surveys in progress and the status of the responses, which will update periodically.


    For courses using Blue

    1. Log in to Blue with your UCLA Logon ID
    2. At the top of your homepage, click on “Subject Management”
    3. You will be able to see what percentage of students have completed the survey for each course that you are teaching, but will not be able to see individual completion information.


    Alternatively, you can view your response rates through your email:

    1. You should receive an email directing you how to view your course response rate.
    2. Click on “Your Course Response Rate.” This hyperlink will take you directly to Blue, where you will be able to see what percentage of students have completed the survey for each course that you are teaching, but will not be able to see individual completion information.

  • How do I access my SET reports?

    Instructors and teaching assistants can access their individual reports after the survey period is closed and final grades have been submitted. Please see the SET Survey Schedule for specific dates.

    For courses using MyUCLA:

    1. Log in to with your UCLA Logon ID
    2. Click on the “Faculty” tab
    3. Click on “Student Experiences of Teaching Reports”
    4. You may view these reports any time AFTER the survey period is closed AND the grades for the class have been submitted on time.

    If grades for a class are submitted after the Gradebook due date, then the instructor(s) and any associated Teaching Assistants will need to obtain their SET reports from the department’s Evaluation Coordinator.

    For courses using Blue:

    1. Log in to Blue with your UCLA Logon ID
    2. View the “Reports” section on your homepage.


    Alternatively, you can access your reports through your email.

    1. You should receive an email directing you how to view your reports.
    2. Click on “Access your reports here.” This hyperlink will take you directly to Blue, where you will be able to view and download your reports in both PDF and HTML format.

  • How do I increase my response rates?

    Having a robust sample size is important to ensure you have a representative sample of students in your course, not just a small subset. Several strategies have been shown to be effective in increasing response rates. These include talking to students about the importance of SETs, giving students directions for how and where online to find them, setting aside time in class for students to complete them, checking on response rates, and sending reminders as needed. While the evidence is mixed, some instructors have found success in increasing response rates by offering small amounts of participation points or extra credit.

    For more details, please visit the SET Assessment Guide for Instructors.

  • How do I interpret my results?

    Reviewing and responding to SET data can elicit strong feelings. To help facilitate the review and interpretations of SET data, we suggest starting by reflecting on your course goals and identifying what worked well and areas where you want feedback. Then when you are ready, read and reflect on the responses with these goals and aims in mind. Give yourself time to process and take breaks if needed.

    For interpreting results, examine both the quantitative and qualitative results together, looking for patterns and trends. Avoid focusing too much on negative comments or outliers, instead reflect on constructive or actionable feedback that can be used to inform your teaching. When you are ready to implement a change, start small and remember change is an iterative process. Compare your teaching over time, rather than against your colleagues. Finally, keep in mind SETs are just one source of evidence you can use to showcase your teaching.

    For more details, please visit the SET Assessment Guide for Instructors.

  • How do I enable the SET link on my Bruin Learn course page?

    This feature is only available for courses being evaluated on Blue.

    Instructors can control whether or not to link to SET surveys in the left-hand navigation menu of their Bruin Learn course site.

    1. Log in to Bruin Learn with your UCLA Logon ID
    2. Click on your course
    3. Open the left navigation and click on “Settings”
    4. Click on the “Navigation” tab
    5. Scroll to the hidden section until you see “Student Experiences of Teaching” toward the bottom of the page
    6. Click on the three dots and Enable

  • How can I get help with my SET surveys?

    The SET Assessment Guide for Instructors can help you understand the purpose of SET surveys, provides suggestions for how to interpret survey data, and offers recommendations for encouraging and responding to student feedback. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please reach out to

Learn More

For questions, please contact the Student Experiences of Teaching team at

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