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Home / UCLA Guidelines on Zoom Meetings for Work and Teaching

UCLA Guidelines on Zoom Meetings for Work and Teaching

Office of the Administrative Vice Chancellor
Office of Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning

To: Faculty and Staff 

Dear Colleagues: 

As we welcome a new academic year and continue to navigate hybrid working and learning environments and remote collaboration, it is crucial to ensure that our virtual meetings are as effective and productive as possible. To support this, we would like to remind you of some key best practices and direct you to our comprehensive UCLA Guidelines on Zoom Work Meetings – User Etiquette and Protecting Privacy and Data, and our UCLA Guidance on Remote Teaching Using Zoom: Protecting Privacy and Data.

Please note while these documents are specific to the Zoom platform, the same guidelines should be followed when using other UCLA-approved applications and remote meeting software tools (e.g. Microsoft Teams, Slack huddle, Google Meet, etc.).

Virtual Work Meetings

Best practices for virtual work meetings include, but are not limited to:

  • Join the meeting on time to make the most of the allotted time. Review the meeting agenda and any relevant materials before the meeting to ensure a productive meeting.
  • Do not make private meetings public. Whenever possible, distribute your Zoom meeting link only to those individuals who will be attending your meeting.
  • If participating in a meeting in a shared space or common area, use a virtual background (see approved UCLA background images) and headset and apply a privacy screen to your monitor.

Remote Teaching

Best practices for remote teaching include, but are not limited to:

  • Use the integrated Zoom feature in Bruin Learn, our campus learning management system, to schedule and conduct remote class meetings.
  • Adhere to recommended Zoom security settings to help protect remote class meetings from being disrupted by unauthorized individuals.
  • Work with the UCLA Center for Accessible Education to ensure appropriate accommodations are implemented during remote instruction to support equitable engagement for students with disabilities.

Following these guidelines helps us maintain professionalism, ensures efficient use of our time and fosters a collaborative environment where everyone’s input is valued. You are encouraged to review the full documents for remote work or learning environments, as well as the Best Practices for Teaching and Learning with Zoom teaching bulletin. 

For questions about work Zoom meetings, please email For questions regarding remote teaching guidance, please contact

Thank you for your attention to these guidelines and continued dedication to our organizational success. 

Best regards,

Michael J. Beck
Administrative Vice Chancellor

Erin Sanders O’Leary
Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning

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