Tier 4 (Transformation Grants) Program: Track 1 (Planning Grants)
Academic units may need time to develop a shared vision and course of action for pedagogical and curricular transformation. Track 1 planning grants are intended to support teams of instructors in developing a data-informed and evidence-based plan for programmatic action. Such efforts may result in advancing efforts to apply for a Track 2 implementation grant, although this is not a required outcome of the Track 1 awards.
Teams are expected to engage relevant TLC staff in recurring facilitated discussions, meeting at least monthly, about the needs of students, exploring existing institutional data or available evidence (e.g., patterns of student learning, engagement, or degree progression, curricular bottleneck data identifying where in the program students are getting delayed or exiting the program, student responses to local or national surveys, data from literature review) as well as gathering additional information to support the inquiry process. These conversations should occur over a defined period (not longer than 6-8 months) and result in a concrete plan for next steps. Plans should specify project goals aligned to meet student needs and address particular learning challenges, identify the set of courses to be (re)designed or developed de novo, and articulate how the academic unit will evaluate outcomes and report on project impacts. Teams are expected to share their work in at least one department or divisional/school meeting, inviting a TLC representative to support and elevate the team’s plan development efforts.
Departments and academic programs coming up for 8-year reviews are encouraged to explore the Track 1 grant option as a supportive strategy to identify an approach to collect direct evidence of student learning and success within a particular major, minor, or program — which is typically a requirement for accreditation. Those considering this option should apply one year prior to review.
Track 1 funding may be used to support professional expenses/small stipends for team leaders and members, to support student assistance with the project, or for catering and supplies for team or department/program meetings. Teams are expected to designate at least one member (project lead) to meet at least once per year with TLC program staff to check on progress. In addition, the TLC will provide opportunities for teams to connect with a larger community of colleagues in the same cohort, but from different academic units, who are engaged in similar planning efforts across the institution.
Awarded funds will be transferred directly to departments, which bear full responsibility for administering the funding and any associated vendor payments in strict accordance with university policies, as well as state and federal regulations. Departments will also be solely accountable for any budget overages. Funds should be used within the funding period specified in the award letter; no carry-forwards are allowed if funds are not spent by the end of the fiscal year corresponding to the award end date. Any remaining funds will be returned to the TLC.
Eligibility for Track 1 Planning Grants
All academic units are eligible to apply. Teams should be composed of at least three full-time instructors, two of whom should be Senate faculty, and all will play active roles in the planning and ongoing roles in the resulting pedagogical and curricular improvement activities. Teams are also welcome to include students and staff, but they are not considered in meeting the minimum headcount for eligible teams. Endorsement by the department Chair and/or Dean is required. UCLA instructors of record for undergraduate, graduate, and professional student courses are eligible to serve as the project lead who applies for the award.
Applications for Track 1 Planning Grants must be submitted by the fifth week of UCLA’s spring quarter for projects proposed during the following fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). Funds may be used during summer and academic calendar months.
Track 1 Application Deadline
Quarter | Proposal deadline | Projects Proposed for |
Spring 2025 | Friday, May 2, 2025 | Fiscal Year 2025–2026 |
Application for Track 1 planning grants
Applications should address the following key prompts in the narrative section:
- Team and project lead. Who will lead the project team, and who are the other members participating in the planning phase of the project? Why is this the right team for the work? How will the team’s efforts connect with prior or current efforts in your academic unit to support effective teaching and learning and advance Goal 4 of UCLA’s strategic plan?
- From learning to action. What do you expect to learn from participating in this project? What questions are you interested in exploring during the planning phase and why? What actions might your team and academic unit consider taking in response to your findings?
- Dissemination. How and when will you go about sharing your work with other colleagues and administrative leadership in your academic unit?
- Engagement. Are all team members committed to participating in monthly meetings facilitated in part by TLC staff? While all members are welcome to attend, will the team lead be able to attend the check-in meeting(s) with the TLC program staff?
Checklist with Track 1 Application Requirements
- Department chair’s or program director’s endorsement (see guidelines here)
- The chair/director should endorse the project and address how this project aligns with the broader needs and priorities of the academic unit/department. The chair/director should specify cost-sharing opportunities at the department/program level. Lastly, the chair/director should indicate their commitment to carving out time at a departmental meeting for the project lead (PL) to present and discuss their work among colleagues at the end of the project period. Please use UCLA departmental letterhead
- The chair/director should endorse the project and address how this project aligns with the broader needs and priorities of the academic unit/department. The chair/director should specify cost-sharing opportunities at the department/program level. Lastly, the chair/director should indicate their commitment to carving out time at a departmental meeting for the project lead (PL) to present and discuss their work among colleagues at the end of the project period. Please use UCLA departmental letterhead
- Project Lead (PL)
- Full name, title, and email address of the primary instructor of record (Senate faculty member) leading the proposed project
- Full name, title, and email address of the primary instructor of record (Senate faculty member) leading the proposed project
- Secondary Collaborators (SCs)
- Full names, titles, and email addresses of additional instructors or other project personnel involved in the project; this may include staff and students (TBN).
- Full names, titles, and email addresses of additional instructors or other project personnel involved in the project; this may include staff and students (TBN).
- Proposed Project Timeline (project period with proposed start and end dates)
- Project Narrative [Please upload a PDF of your project narrative; it should not be more than 2-3 pages (single-spaced and minimum 11-pt font). Tables and figures are included in the total page count. Please use the following prompts to guide the organization of your narrative.]
- Team and project lead. Why is this the right team for the work? How will the team’s efforts connect with prior or current efforts in your academic unit to support effective teaching and learning and advance Goal 4 of UCLA’s strategic plan?
- From learning to action. What do you expect to learn from participating in this project? What questions are you interested in exploring during the planning phase and why? What actions might your team and academic unit consider taking in response to your findings?
- Dissemination. How and when will you go about sharing your work with other colleagues and administrative leadership in your academic unit?
- Engagement. Are all team members committed to participating in monthly meetings facilitated in part by TLC staff? While all members are welcome to attend, will the team lead be able to attend the check-in meeting(s) with the TLC program staff?
- Funding requested (Include an exact budget for request, without exceeding the maximum specified limits) view budget sheet here
- Brief budget justification (<500 words)
- Estimate your anticipated project costs and provide a short explanation about the use of funds.
- Estimate your anticipated project costs and provide a short explanation about the use of funds.
- Departmental FAU to which funds will be transferred from TLC if the grant proposal is approved.
To submit your proposal, please click the online application submission button. Note: you may wish to prepare these documents prior to beginning to complete the online form.
Consultation appointments with TLC staff are not required prior to submission. However, the TLC invites questions or other lines of inquiry prior to the submission due date.
Contact: Kem Saichaie, TLC Executive Director, ksaichaie@teaching.ucla.edu
Application Review Process and Timeline
Planning grant projects should promote cooperative, integrated participation among team members. Applications are reviewed by TLC leadership. Preference for funding will be given to teams that will have broad engagement by faculty and seek to explore questions with potential for large-scale impact on students and meaningful implications for improving the teaching and learning culture within the unit. The TLC will notify teams of proposal decisions via email by May 20, 2025. Funds will be available by July 1, 2025. The TLC intends to fund up to ten Track 1 grant awards per year.