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Home / Resources / Educational Innovation Grants / Tier 4 (Transformation Grants) Program / Tier 4 (Transformation Grants) Program: Track 2 (Implementation Grants)

Tier 4 (Transformation Grants) Program: Track 2 (Implementation Grants)

Academic units with a shared vision and data-informed course of action for pedagogical and curricular transformation are invited to apply for a Track 2 implementation grant. This Tier 4 grant category may be awarded to teams of instructors at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional student levels working towards linked reforms across a specified set of courses with project goals aligned to meet student needs and address particular learning challenges within the larger curriculum or program.

Track 2 grants should facilitate implementation, expansion, and assessment of innovative large-scale pedagogical and curricular approaches with the potential for far-reaching impacts on students, instructors, and departmental culture. These grants provide financial support for up to $100,000 per academic unit in an academic year. Note that this maximum amount applies to collaborating academic units applying for this award. Funding for first-time applicants will be prioritized, and preference will be given to applicants who have not received Track 2 funding in the last five years. 

To support the implementation of proposed projects, instructors also may request in-kind support from the Teaching and Learning Center as follows:

  • Course and curricular design (contact Instructional Design & Media Production, IDMP)
  • Project assessment (contact Assessment of the Student and Instructor Experience, ASIE)
  • Media production (contact Instructional Design & Media Production, IDMP)
  • Teaching workshops for instructional teams, including TAs (contact Educational Development Programs, EDP & Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement, GSPSE)

Grants may be used to support activities such as full or partial course (re)design, curricular improvements involving new technology or instructional materials, training to use evidence-based teaching techniques and use of educational technology, reform of teaching strategies across multiple courses (or multiple sections of a course) to improve student engagement and learning, engagement in revising the process by which teaching is evaluated, and assessment to document the impact of the pedagogical and curricular changes. Funding may be requested to support wages for students (undergraduates, TAs, or GSRs) or staff to assist with the project and financial support for faculty and instructors (up to $10,000 each toward a course release or summer salary).

Tier 4 grant proposals must articulate a clear plan for enhancing the student experience, define specific project goals (i.e. expected outcomes of the project), and a strategy for evaluating the effectiveness and impact of the proposed course intervention. Applications should demonstrate how the proposed project aligns with UCLA’s strategic plan to elevate how we teach and should address the potential for sustainability within the department or academic/administrative unit after the grant period ends. Successful applications will be bound within a defined and realistic timeline and leverage existing campus resources, including programs and services provided by the TLC and disciplinary teaching support units. While not a requirement of Tier 4 grant proposals, applicants are highly encouraged to explore opportunities for their academic unit to either commit matching funds and/or contribute other non-monetary support to evidence a broader investment in the success and sustainability of the proposed project.

Awarded funds will be transferred directly to departments, which bear full responsibility for administering the funding and any associated vendor payments in strict accordance with university policies, as well as state and federal regulations. Departments will also be solely accountable for any budget overages. Funds should be used within the funding period specified in the award letter; no carry-forwards are allowed if funds are not spent by the end of the fiscal year corresponding to the award end date. Any remaining funds will be returned to the TLC.

Eligibility for Track 2 Implementation Grants

All academic units are eligible to apply. Teams should be composed of at least three full-time instructors, two of whom should be Senate faculty, and all will play active roles in the pedagogical and curricular improvement activities funded by this award. Teams are also welcome to include students and staff, but they are not considered in meeting the minimum headcount for eligible teams. Endorsement by the department Chair and Dean is required. UCLA instructors of record for undergraduate, graduate, and professional student courses are eligible to serve as the project lead who applies for the award. 


Proposal for Track 2 Implementation Grants must be submitted by the eighth week of UCLA’s spring quarter for projects proposed during the following fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).  Funds may be used during summer and academic calendar months.

Track 2 Proposal Deadline

QuarterProposal deadlineProjects Proposed for
Spring 2025Friday, May 23, 2025Fiscal Year 2025–2026

Applicants are encouraged to begin preparing their proposals as early as possible to ensure submission by the deadline. Consultation appointments with TLC leadership are required prior to submission (see details below) and should be scheduled at least one month in advance of the application deadline to allow sufficient time to reflect on feedback, refine project ideas, and align the project with TLC funding priorities.

Consultation Requirements for Track 2

To become eligible to apply for Track 2 of Tier 4 Transformation Grants, applicants must schedule an initial consultation meeting with TLC leadership at least one month prior to the submission date for guidance and advice for developing a Tier 4 grant application.

Contact: Erin Sanders O’Leary, Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning,

This initial consultation meeting provides applicants with an opportunity to receive personalized guidance on project ideas, explore how they align with TLC funding priorities, and address any questions about the application process. Consultation is intended to help develop a competitive proposal and is not an opportunity for lobbying on behalf of a proposal. The goal is to help teams refine and focus their projects and ensure the proposals are as compelling and well-prepared as possible.

Following this initial meeting with VP O’Leary, additional consultations with TLC staff may also be required, particularly where in-kind contributions from TLC services are integral to a project proposal. 

  • Applicants requesting support for course (re)design support, including media production, should meet and collaborate with the TLC’s Instructional Design and Media Production team ( 
  • Applicants requesting support for educational assessment and research should meet and collaborate with the TLC Assessment of Student and Instructor Experience team (  
  • Applicants requesting support for teaching workshops and related programming activities for instructors and TAs should contact Educational Development Programs ( and/or Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement (

In addition, consultations with disciplinary teaching support units or local technology and multimedia support teams may be necessary to establish collaborations and budget estimates for other services being incorporated into a project proposal. Furthermore, consultations with Academic Senate staff are strongly encouraged early in the process to discuss curricular proposals related to academic programs and courses.

  • Grant funds may not be used to supplement standard classroom expenses, including consumables and basic instructional supplies that should be covered by departmental budgets.
  • For all technology-related requests, applicants must consult with the Bruin Learn Center of Excellence to ensure alignment with campus IT policies and scalability requirements.
  • Funds for hardware, software, or instructional equipment must be integrated into programmatic improvements and be used strictly for instructional purposes. Equipment costs may not exceed $6,000.
  • There is no remission support for GSRs or ASEs provided through this grants program. Fee and tuition remissions, TIF, worker’s compensation, and other hiring fees will be the responsibility of the hiring department. These funds should not be included in the budget worksheet. 
  • The copyright to any material, including, but not limited to, technology, software, games, video clips, etc. developed with TLC grant funds will reside with the Regents of the University of California.
  • Consultation meeting with TLC staff at least one month prior to submission date (Contact: Erin Sanders O’Leary, Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning,

  • Department chair’s or program director’s endorsement (see guidelines here)
    • The chair/director should endorse the project and address how the project aligns with the broader needs and priorities of the academic unit/department as well as a plan to sustain the project beyond the funding period. The chair/director should specify cost-sharing opportunities at the department/program level. Lastly, the chair/director should indicate their commitment to carving out time at a departmental meeting for the principal investigator (PI) to present and discuss their work among colleagues at the end of the project period. Please use UCLA departmental letterhead.
  • Dean’s or Vice Provost’s endorsement letter (see guidelines for the endorsement letter here
    • The Dean or Vice Provost should express their support for the project and their commitment to sustain the project beyond the funding period. The Dean or Vice Provost may specify cost-sharing opportunities at the division/school level. They should also indicate how they will support the principal investigator (PI) in disseminating their work among colleagues across the division/school at the end of the project period. Please use UCLA letterhead.
  • Principal Investigator (PI)
    • Full name, title, and email address of the primary instructor of record (Senate faculty member) leading the proposed project
  • Co-Principal Investigator(s) (Co-PI)
    • Full name, title, and email address of up to two additional instructors of record with leadership roles supporting the proposed project
  • Additional Collaborators (AC)
    • Full names, titles, and email addresses of additional instructors or other project personnel involved in the project; this may include departmental staff, students, or personnel from campus units other than TLC who are contributing effort to the project, whether funded or provided as in-kind support
  • Course(s)
    • List the courses that will be impacted in the proposed project. If existing syllabi are available, please upload a PDF of the most recent syllabus for each course. This step is not necessary for new courses.
  • Project Summary (<350 words) (Briefly describe the overall goal of the project, the strategy/approach/methodology you are implementing, and what you predict or expect to occur as outcomes if the project is successful.)
  • Proposed Project Timeline (project period with proposed start and end dates)
  • Project Narrative [Please upload a PDF of your project narrative; it should not be more than 5 pages (single-spaced and minimum 11-pt font). Tables and figures are included in the total page count. Please use the following prompts to guide the organization of your narrative.]
    • What do you hope to achieve with this project? What are your project goals or aims?
    • What are your expected outcomes? 
    • How are you planning to achieve these outcomes? Describe the specific approach or strategy. 
    • What evidence have you considered that supports your proposed approach?  Are there prior research studies you have read? Are there examples of success at other institutions? Is there institutional research data you’re using to inform your approach?  Be sure to cite your sources.
    • What do you need in terms of personnel or materials/equipment to accomplish your goals?
    • How will you evaluate the effectiveness of your intervention or its impact on students and other relevant stakeholders? (Please note that it may be helpful to schedule a consultation with an ASIE staff member, who can provide guidance on how best to set up the assessment for your project.)
    • How does this activity elevate teaching in alignment with UCLA’s strategic plan? 
    • How do you plan to broaden the longer term impact of this project within your academic unit, across campus, and beyond?
  • Reference List (Please upload a PDF; use APA format; should not be more than 1 page)
  • TLC Commitment (In-kind Support)
    • Select all that apply
      • Course and curricular design (IDMP)
      • Project assessment (ASIE)
      • Media production (IDMP)
      • Teaching workshops and related support (EDP and/or GSPSE)
      • N/A
    • Upload a PDF of a letter of support from relevant TLC director(s)
      • In the letter, the relevant director should briefly describe the in-kind commitment associated with the proposed project following consultation with the project team. If the proposal is recommended for funding, a subsequent consultation with TLC director(s) will be required to generate a detailed statement of work (SOW) specifying the budget commitment associated with TLC’s in-kind contribution. The amount may not exceed the total monetary award for this grant. (See support letter template for reference) The appropriate TLC director(s) will provide the letter to the PI.
  • Funding requested (Include an exact budget for request, without exceeding the maximum specified limits) view budget sheet here
  • Brief budget justification (<500 words)
    • Upload a PDF with your budget description. Please break it down into categories aligned with the budget sheet. Since funding for Tier 4 grants comes from several sources and may be restricted for certain purposes, the budget detail is essential. 
  • Departmental FAU to which funds will be transferred from TLC if the grant proposal is approved
  • Voluntary cost-sharing is encouraged but not required. Please specify any anticipated in-kind departmental/instructor contributions/support for this project (optional).

To submit your proposal, please click the online application submission button at the bottom of this page. Note: you may wish to prepare these documents prior to beginning to complete the online form.

Proposal Review Process and Timeline

Implementation grant projects should promote cooperative, integrated participation among team members and support the implementation of evidence-based pedagogical and curricular practices aimed to improve the educational experience of all students. Proposals are reviewed by TLC leadership in consultation with a committee of peers with expertise in relevant areas of instructional development and education research. Preference for funding will be given to teams that will have broad engagement by faculty, strong support from the Chair and/or Dean of the relevant academic unit(s), and demonstrable potential for meaningful impact on students and sustainable improvement of the teaching culture. The TLC will notify the project PI of proposal decisions via email by June 10, 2025, which may entail further consultation with TLC leadership to address necessary amendments to the proposal or proposal budget prior to funding transfer. Funds will be available by July 1, 2025. The TLC intends to fund up to two Track 2 grant awards per year.

Requirements Associated with Funded Projects

Award recipients of Tier 4, Track 2 grants will receive a closing email from TLC near the end of the project period and be asked to complete the following reporting requirements. Please note that future funding eligibility for the TLC Education Innovation Grants program is contingent upon the completion of all reporting requirements at the end of the funding period.

  1. Progress report shared with the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning, department chair or program director, and Dean at the end of the funding period.
  2. A copy of new or revised syllabi reflecting the changes incorporated into the curriculum or sequence of courses as a result of this grant. Other artifacts resulting from the intervention may also be requested; these will be specified in the closing email from the TLC staff.
  3. Completion of a brief survey.

Award recipients of Tier 4, Track 2 implementation grants will be invited to an annual celebration sponsored by the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning where you will be invited to showcase your accomplishments in a 5-10 minute lightning talk. Campus community members, including department chairs and Deans, will be invited to learn more about your efforts to elevate teaching at UCLA! In addition, grant recipients will be invited to attend the annual Andrea L. Rich Night to Honor Teaching, in which we will formally recognize awardees for their achievements.

Successful projects will be featured on the TLC website, newsletter, and other promotional materials, particularly as they showcase the myriad ways in which instructor teams are advancing Goal 4 of the UCLA strategic plan to elevate how we teach.

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