Maintaining Instructional Continuity
The following resources were developed to support departmental leadership teams, instructors, and TAs in maintaining instructional continuity in case of potential campus disruptions.
Federal Updates
UCOP and UCLA have created federal updates pages containing the latest guidance and information regarding federal policy changes and announcements. See the links below for guidance and support.
UCLA General Guidance for Handling Classroom Disruptions
Provides general information for assessing whether an activity, program, or event unreasonably disrupts the classroom under free expression rights, and offers guidance for responding to disruption of classroom instruction during these instances.
Instructional Resources in a Time of Uncertainty
These resources are designed to support instructors wellbeing while navigating the impacts of the devastating L.A. wildfires and current political and federal policy uncertainties.
Election Resources
These resources provide guidance for addressing the election in the classroom, including specific language for facilitating or deferring such conversations. Resources are also included to support instructor and student well-being.
UCLA Multimedia Recording Spaces
Provides an overview of recording spaces available across campus for audio and video recording for instructors.
Classroom Emergency Preparedness
Offers guidance for preparing and responding to emergencies in the classroom.
Navigating Classroom Emergencies: Instructor Slides
The slide deck is designed for instructors and TAs to use in their courses to discuss emergency preparedness with their students and guide how emergency situations are handled.
Teaching Strategies to Support Academic Continuity Through Difficult Times
This teaching resource offers guidance to help instructors extend support to our students during times of crisis and trauma while also reminding us of our own humanity as instructors and the need to process current events while attending to our well-being.
UCLA Teach-in Guidance
This resource includes UCLA’s expectations for our campus community for coordinating and engaging in teach-ins and provides guidelines to consider when organizing these events.
Zoom Guidance
The TLC has developed two documents to support the use of Zoom in conducting live class sessions online. The Zoom Guidance on Remote Teaching document provides information about policies for virtual classroom management on the video conference platform, and the second guide offers Best Practices for Teaching and Learning with Zoom.