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Home / English Composition 2 – Approaches to University Writing | Meta-Narrative and the Narrative Self

English Composition 2 – Approaches to University Writing | Meta-Narrative and the Narrative Self


August 17, 2023

Presenters: Shane Crosby

This ID Showcase is a collaboration between CoE and TLC.

10 a.m. | Zoom

What to Expect in this Showcase
In this course showcase session, the instructor will share his experiences, the pros and cons, of using a variety of Bruin Learn tools to actively engage undergraduate students in the content of a first-year composition course.

The tools reviewed include:
Home Page
Attendance, ebook integration, syllabi, course notification settings
ebook integration: They Say, I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing
The “getting started” / Course Resource module
Lock Until | prerequisites | requirements
New feature: dropdown arrow options
Creating all assignments from within the Modules(?)
Creating grading rules
Grades / Gradebook Settings
When to make it available, pros and cons, likes and dislikes
Late submission policy considerations
Grade posting considerations
Advanced feature settings

Presenter Bio:
Shane Crosby is a Continuing Lecturer in Writing Programs at UCLA. He completed his BA at UCLA, MA in Special Education at Clark Atlanta University, PhD in Special Education at Georgia State University and his MFA degree at UC Irvine.

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