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Home / Using Slack to Build an Equitable and Diverse Learning Community in Education

Using Slack to Build an Equitable and Diverse Learning Community in Education


June 1, 2023

Presenters: Glory Tobinson

10 a.m. | Zoom

What to Expect in this Showcase

Slack is a UCLA-approved app that facilitates communication and collaboration in a variety of contexts: project teams, administrative units, research groups, etc. In this showcase, the presenter will demonstrate how she uses Slack in undergraduate courses to engage and welcome students, streamline communication, and conduct formative assessments. 

The showcase is organized like a “tasting menu” of several possible pedagogical uses of Slack, including:

  • Community building
  • Shared course FAQs
  • TA communication
  • Making students’ thinking accessible to their peers
  • “Slack Hands,” a strategy for more inclusive participation 
  • Collaborative study guide for quizzes

Presenter Bio: 

Prof. Glory Tobiason is clinical faculty in the Education Department (where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in research methods) and a Research Scientist at the Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing. She also co-leads the Holistic Evaluation of Teaching initiative at UCLA. The goal of her research and faculty-engagement work is to understand and support the work of teachers.

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