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Holistic Evaluation of Teaching

Holistic Evaluation of Teaching (HET) is intended to help departments improve the way they evaluate teaching and help faculty implement excellent teaching practices. HET is a way to think about and document teaching using self-reflection, student input, and peer review.

A primary aim of the HET initiative is to ensure that Senate faculty (Adjunct faculty and Academic Administrators may also use HET) are recognized and rewarded for their dedication to instruction and teaching expertise.  The initiative articulates pedagogical principles and a way to think about evaluation that is grounded in research. Importantly, this new approach emphasizes professional development and efforts to improve teaching. It is adaptable to the particular teaching challenges and cultures of each unit across campus, and it has been developed with broad input from faculty, the Senate, and academic leadership.

HET materials are used by individuals in two roles: those whose teaching is being evaluated and those who are evaluating the teaching. For brevity, we use the terms “instructor” and “evaluator” for these two roles throughout this website.

HET is organized into a 3-part framework, which includes dimensions of excellent teaching, sources of evidence, and evaluation lenses.

Framework Overview

Dimensions of Excellent Teaching in HET


Evaluation Lenses

Participating Departments

  Engaging in initial HET adaptation work Completed initial HET adaptation work Presented initial adapted version of HET to faculty Adopting HET for either voluntary or required use Implementing HET: use by some faculty in personnel review Implementing HET: use by most faculty in personnel review
Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology  
Life Sciences Core Education  
Integrative Biology and Physiology          
Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology    

Cohort 1

The departments below began working on their version of HET and exploring its suitability in AY 22-23.

Life Sciences Core Education

Beth Lazazzera (department chair): “This initiative to adopt a more holistic method to evaluate teaching by faculty is desperately needed and will help create a system that can reward faculty contributions to teaching. As the LS Core Education Department has a large group of outstanding educators, we felt we could help this process become more widespread by being involved early in the HET initiative.”

Deb Pires

Deb Pires

Jay Phelan

Jay Phelan

Jukka Keranen

Jukka Keranen

Rana Khankan

Rana Khankan

Megha Sundara (department chair): “We joined the HET initiative to make teaching evaluations in Linguistics transparent and consistent. Through these discussions we hope to articulate a shared understanding of departmental expectations about teaching, and additionally, to inform ourselves about best practices for both teaching evaluation and teaching effectiveness.”

Dylan Bumford

Dylan Bumford

Jesse Harris

Jesse Harris

Kie Zuraw

Kie Zuraw

Megha Sundara

Megha Sundara

Stefan Keine

Stefan Keine

Lauren Clark (Associate Dean of Academic Programs): “In nursing, we know that one kind of evaluation doesn’t tell the full story about teaching effectiveness. We have big classes, small classes, clinical, and lecture classes. Developing holistic evaluation methods lets us appraise our teaching performance more fully and fairly.”

Charlene Niemi

Charlene Niemi

Dorothy Wiley

Dorothy Wiley

MarySue Heilemann

MarySue Heilemann

Theresa Brown

Theresa Brown

Abigail Saguy (department chair): “As a department that prizes teaching excellence, we welcome the opportunity to customize new ways of assessing effective teaching that go beyond student reviews and encourage self-reflection.”

Chris Herring

Chris Herring

Jessica Collett

Jessica Collett

Megan Sweeney

Megan Sweeney

Stefan Timmermans

Stefan Timmermans

Cohort 2

The departments below began working on their version of HET and exploring its suitability in AY 23-24.

Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences

Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni (department chair): “We decided to explore the adoption of the HET framework after an excellent and well-received presentation at a faculty meeting. It became clear quickly during my tenure as chair that relying on anonymous student evaluations, even when coupled with peer teaching evaluations, to evaluate teaching quality and most importantly student learning was inadequate. The comprehensive framework of HET will allow us to take our educational mission to be on par with our research excellence.”

Caroline Beghein

Caroline Beghein

Edwin Schauble

Edwin Schauble

Jon Aurnou

Jon Aurnou

Pedro Monarrez

Pedro Monarrez

Michael Alfaro (department chair): “EEB’s decision to engage with HET reflects our desire to adopt evidence-based practices in our pedagogy as we pursue our mission of inclusive excellence in teaching. We believe that the HET framework will lead to more transparent and effective assessment of our teaching; recognize, incentivize, and reward instructional innovation; promote greater equity and inclusivity within the classroom; and reinforce the value EEB places on teaching.”

Leryn Gorlitsky

Leryn Gorlitsky

Paul Barber

Paul Barber

Peter Nonacs

Peter Nonacs

Tonya Kane

Tonya Kane

Jeff Long (department chair): “Excellence in teaching has always been an important aspect of the Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology Department. However, it has been difficult to adequately evaluate our strengths and weaknesses relying solely on student and peer evaluations. The HET program offers us comprehensive feedback on our teaching efforts in order to improve our classes, as well as provide us with unbiased evaluations to be used in academic promotion actions.”

Andrew Goldstein

Andrew Goldstein

Hilary Coller

Hilary Coller

Pavak Shah

Pavak Shah

Siobhan Braybrook

Siobhan Braybrook


There are two answers to this question. First, in departments that decide to use HET, faculty spend a lot of time tailoring the “off-the-shelf” HET resources to fit their disciplinary context. So, HET tools in Nursing might refer to students’ clinical skills, HET tools in Engineering might refer to problem sets or design projects, and HET tools in English might refer to essays or term papers. Second, the HET tools do not prescribe a single, lockstep way to teach. Instead, they help instructors and evaluators focus on general principles of good pedagogy, like the idea that students benefit from feedback about their learning as that learning is underway. For example, we would discourage a department from using an evaluation criterion like, “instructor grades and returns student work within a week and with at least three comments per student.” A more useful criterion could be, “instructor provides regular and timely feedback on student work,” along with the opportunity for the instructor to explain what this criterion looks like in their teaching practice.

In HET, as in most teaching evaluation systems in higher education, an instructor might present a student assignment that is carefully scaffolded and aligned to learning objectives, has a detailed grading rubric, and incorporates student choice… but this might be atypical in their teaching practice. Or an instructor might write in their statement, “I use a range of strategies to promote equitable airtime among students” when, in fact, a few talkative students dominate every class session.

HET is grounded in the idea that principles of sound pedagogy play out differently in different contexts. An evaluator might have their own idea of what it looks like to “incorporate student choice” into a course, but the instructor they’re reviewing might use different strategies. One way that HET prioritizes the instructor’s autonomy and unique pedagogical identity is by soliciting self-reported data. The limitations of these data are precisely what the question above names: the risk of cherry-picking and misrepresentation. This tension (between the value of hearing directly from an instructor and the risk of misleading data) is not unique to HET. It’s a tension that’s inherent in any evaluation system that includes self-reported data, a tension HET does not claim to have resolved.

Job performance in higher education is evaluated through peer review, and a clear limitation of this approach is the potential for preexisting interpersonal relationships to color evaluator judgments. HET does not eliminate this concern, but it does aim to mitigate it. HET provides an explicit structure and process for evaluation, one familiar to both the instructor and evaluator. In simplest terms, evaluators are tasked to look for evidence of teaching practices X, Y, and Z… criteria of which instructors are aware as they prepare their materials. The idea is that this precision and transparency reduces opportunities to make vague, unfairly negative assessments (or positive ones, sometimes referred to as “departmental love letters” about teaching).

Whether HET is more work than what a department has done in the past depends on two factors: what the department has been doing to evaluate teaching and what the department’s version of HET looks like. Consider a hypothetical department that previously required a lengthy teaching statement and a classroom observation by a colleague as part of teaching evaluation. If this department adopted a streamlined version of HET (e.g., without these requirements and with simple rubrics), teaching evaluation might take less time. Alternatively, a department that previously evaluated teaching primarily by considering student evaluations of teaching might adopt a version of HET that asks instructors to provide more and richer evidence of their teaching. This will likely require more work the first time an instructor uses HET (the work should decrease in subsequent HET reviews).

As departments adapt the HET materials and process to fit their needs, one of their central tasks is to balance the desire for fairer, more substantive evaluation that supports instructors in improving against the time this requires. Each department determines the best balance for its context.

One thing the word “Holistic” is meant to convey in “Holistic Evaluation of Teaching” is that different perspectives on an instructor’s teaching are important, including those of the instructor, their peers, and students. This means that student evaluations are part of the evidence an instructor may use to showcase their teaching in HET — but they’re not the only evidence. Put differently, HET encourages evaluators to consider a “basket of evidence” that contains more than just student evaluations.

No. The UCLA campus requires peer evaluation, but not necessarily peer observation. Peer evaluation might take the form of peers reviewing an instructor’s teaching materials, for example. Departments that adapt and use a version of HET decide whether to require peer observation as part of teaching evaluation.

Learn more

Instructors in departments that are using HET can get support in preparing HET materials for a review, receive feedback on completed HET materials before a review, and discuss how they might use HET to improve and innovate teaching. Use this form to request a meeting with a HET facilitator. You can expect a response within three business days.

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