TA Training Requirements

As directed by the UCLA Graduate Council, all first-time Teaching Assistants are required to enroll in a 495 pedagogy course that includes the Professional Standards and Ethics Training (PSET) online modules and all Foundations of Teaching curriculum required by the 495. Continuing TAs are responsible for taking the PSET online modules if they have not already completed them and must do so by the end of the second week of their first TA appointment on or after Fall 2023. See below for additional information about these requirements.


Over the period 2016-2021, Graduate Council considered the state of TA training at UCLA and how to ensure that all TAs are “introduced to universal teaching and learning issues, core pedagogical principles and practices, and strategies for promoting and assessing student learning outcomes.” Their investigation led to the adoption of strengthened TA Training requirements to ensure consistency and quality of TA training initiatives across UCLA’s campus. For more information, please see the relevant memos, below:

Requirements Overview

All departments and programs hiring TAs must ensure that TAs enroll in a 495 pedagogy course before or during their first quarter appointed as a TA. The departmental 495 pedagogy course must include the three strengthened TA Training requirements as part of student credit hours.

PSET Modules in Bruin Learn

Basic Pedagogy Training (Foundations of Teaching Curriculum)

Disciplinary Training (495 Courses)

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