The TLC’s Maintaining Instructional Continuity page has newly-added resources for supporting instructor wellbeing during this unprecedented and uncertain time.

Instructional Design Showcase

Each month, we host an Instructional Design Showcase highlighting one or two courses that exemplify innovative course design and demonstrate key features of technologies like the Bruin Learn platform. These showcases celebrate faculty members’ unique contributions to educational innovation as well as offer an opportunity to address pedagogical approaches across disciplines and courses.

The TLC often collaborates closely with the Bruin Learn Center of Excellence and other campus partners to bring these showcases to the UCLA community. Visit the TLC events calendar for upcoming showcases.

A catalog of previous showcases is under development. You can find our previous showcases currently on the Online Teaching and Learning page.

Upcoming Showcase Schedule

April 10, 2025

Beyond AI Basics: What Faculty Actually Need to Know


Tina Austin, UCLA Lecturer for Computational Biology

Past Showcases

March 6, 2025

AI in Higher Ed: What’s Changing & What No One Is Talking About


Tina Austin, UCLA Lecturer for Computational Biology

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