The TLC’s Maintaining Instructional Continuity page has newly-added resources for supporting instructor wellbeing during this unprecedented and uncertain time.


The UCLA Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) provides consultation services to support educators across the UCLA campus. Explore the services offered and schedule a meeting with our team.

Course Design and Media Production

Our Instructional Design & Media Production team assists instructors with course development, Bruin Learn sites, classroom technologies, and innovative multimedia materials.

Assessment and Course Evaluation

We offer consultations on survey data, program assessments, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Support for Instructors

TLC provides consultations for course design, syllabus development, student learning assessment, and classroom observations.

Support for TAs and Postdocs

The Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement unit supports TA training initiatives, including the development and implementation of 495 pedagogy courses, and consults on teaching strategies.

If you have any questions not covered by one of the sections above, email us at

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