The Media Lab includes individual carrels for video, audio, and interactive video, as well as eight group rooms.
Individual Carrels
There are over 40 carrels available to clients for viewing media. The carrels are connected to DVD players, VCRs, laser disc and other media players. Headphone splitters are also available for two viewers sharing the same title.
Individual carrels are dedicated to audio instruction.
There are ten viewing rooms (capacities ranging from 3 to one large one for 34 persons) in the Media Lab available for media use. The rooms accommodate classes and enable large numbers of people to use high-demand media. Two larger rooms are equipped with dry-erase boards and screens for overhead projectors. Instructors can contact Audio Visual Services if other equipment is needed.
We request at least two persons are required for room assignment, when available.
We also supply space for testing on an appointment basis.
Department administrators, professors, and TAs may make room reservations by calling or visiting the Media Lab.
Video Equipment
- 18 VHS video players
- 2 Tri-standard (NTSC/Secam/PAL) video players
- 4 Laser disc players
- 30 DVD players (with Blu-Ray)
We also have older legacy equipment on a limited basis. Most machines are either connected to individual viewing carrels or can be programmed to viewing rooms.