Archive for month: July, 2023
Recent Publication Shares Framework and Results from CAT’s Assessment of the General Education Foundations of Scientific Inquiry (GE FSI) Program
/in GE FSI /by michelle chenThe Center for the Advancement of Teaching (CAT) developed a holistic assessment framework for UCLA’s General Education Foundations of Scientific Inquiry (GE FSI) courses. This comprehensive approach combines faculty engagement and student input to ensure the alignment of individual course outcomes with overall program objectives. CAT collaborated closely with faculty teaching GE FSI courses to identify course learning outcomes that align with the GE FSI program goals. Complementary to that process, CAT administered pre- and post-course surveys to students to gather information regarding students’ (1) course learning experiences, (2) scientific literacy skills, and (3) attitudes toward science after GE FSI courses. Instructors were also given the opportunity to consult with the team to learn more about how specific aspects of their learning outcomes, teaching practices, and course assignments impact student learning. An overview of the assessment plan and general outcomes were recently published in The Journal of General Education, which includes preliminary findings that showcase the benefits of a holistic approach for achieving a broad range of goals (as shown in the image below). The article is now available online and can be accessed via the following link.
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